Everybody needs some sort of a headshot. From linked-in profiles to annual reports, headshots are being used in wide variety of media. In such a visual age we are living in, headshots are almost mandatory for any business professional. These type of images are actually not that easy to take as it seems. We usually photograph people who has no photoshoot experience or has very little. Its our expertise to make them comfortable in front of the camera and photograph them with the best possible light and facial expressions. As the best headshot photographer in Miami, Tolga Kavut knows both sides of the camera. Most importantly he knows the psychology behind a great headshot, therefore all of his clients felt the same comfort when they worked with him, and every time, they revealed their true personality to him.
In our photography studio in Miami we have a wide variety of background colors available to create the right headshot photo for any business type. We work closely with the design teams to fine tune the images trough out the content where the images will be presented.